Ownership Thinking, LLC, is a consulting and training firm established in 1995. As our name implies, Ownership Thinking is dedicated to unleashing the potential of its client organizations by providing the training and tools required to develop a workforce of "ownership thinkers" who become active participants in their company's financial success. Elements of our program sometimes may be referred to as employee incentive programs, employee ownership programs, employee ownership training, and employee empowerment.
Since our inception, we have successfully implemented Ownership Thinking in over 1,500 companies, with guaranteed, quantifiable results. This is not a job for us, it is our passion. We know the damage that entitlement is doing to our country and its business community, and we know that dependence ultimately crushes potential. Ownership Thinking is the cure for the entitlement mentality in the workplace, and the path to a mentality of earning.
Click here for information
about Brad Hams' new book!
Click here to read Brad's
interview with Profit Magazine.
Fortune Magazine declares it
one of "5 business books you
can really use".
Brad Hams on Sun News:
"An Entitled Culture"
Watch the video...
Brad Hams on Fox News:
"Entitlement and Ownership Thinking"
Watch the video...
Click here to see Brad Hams' interview
"Tapping the Power of Ownership Thinking"
(Channel 9 News, 03-05-12)
Click the play button (above) to
listen to Brad Hams' interview
(Wall Street Journal, 09-27-11)
All services offered in both English and Spanish